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A Concise History of the Baltic States

Author : Andrejs Plakans
Tk 378.00 Tk 420.00

The Baltic region is frequently neglected in broader histories of Europe and its international significance can be obscured by separate treatments of the various Baltic states. With this wide-ranging survey, Andrejs Plakans presents an integrated history of three Baltic peoples - Est

onians, Latvians and Lithuanians - and draws out the common threads to show how it has been shaped by their location in a strategically desirable corner of Europe. Subordinated in turn by Baltic German landholders, the Polish nobility and gentry, and then by Russian and Soviet administrators, the three nations have nevertheless kept their distinctive identities - significantly retaining three separate languages in an ethnically diverse region. The book traces the countries' evolution from their ninth-century tribal beginnings to their present status as three thriving and separate nation states, focusing particularly on the region's complex twentieth-century history, which culminated in the eventual re-establishment of national sovereignty after 1991.

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Stock : 499

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Cambridge University Press; Illustrated edition (February 24, 2011)
  • Publication date ‏ : ‎ February 24, 2011
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Number of pages ‏ : ‎±480

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