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Refactoring UI (Color Printed)

Tk 630.00 Tk 567.00
UI Design systems mastery

Tk 340.00 Tk 306.00


Traction: A Startup...

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Traction: Get a Grip...

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The Art of Being ALO...

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The Art of Laziness:...

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Same as Ever: Timele...

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Clear Thinking: Turn...

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The Obesity Code - U...

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Million Dollar Weeke...

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Million Dollar Habit...

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The Mom Test: How to...

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Inspired: How to Cre...

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Win Every Argument:...

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No Tomorrow: An Angs...

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Many Lives, Many Mas...

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The Science of Selli...

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Twenty-Two: Letters...

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A Court of Wings and...

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When Breath Becomes...

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A History of Iran: E...

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Let Our Fame Be Grea...

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The World Is My Home...

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Eastward to Tartary:...

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The Ghost of Freedom...

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The Caucasus: An Int...

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High Output Manageme...

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The Secret World: A...

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God Is Not Great: Ho...

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Dark Psychology and...

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Surrounded by Idiots

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Jerusalem: One City,...

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Jerusalem: The Biogr...

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Hundred Years' War o...

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Looking for Palestin...

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The Ethnic Cleansing...

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On Palestine

Tk .300 Tk .270

Palestine: A Four Th...

Tk .435 Tk .392

Welcome Home: A Guid...

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The Courage to Be Di...

Tk .330 Tk .297

Terms and Conditions

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Understanding Body L...

Tk .180 Tk .162

Kashmir: A Disputed...

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Dear America: Notes...

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A Theory of Justice

Tk .490 Tk .441

How Democracies Die

Tk .300 Tk .270

Globalization and It...

Tk .380 Tk .342

Democracy, Civil Soc...

Tk .310 Tk .279

All the President's...

Tk .375 Tk .338

State and Revolution

Tk .290 Tk .261

The Permanent Revolu...

Tk .375 Tk .338

The Sole Spokesman:...

Tk .350 Tk .315

Secular Translations...

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The Great Escape: He...

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State-Building: Gove...

Tk .280 Tk .252

My Days with Nehru

Tk .415 Tk .374

Multiparty Democracy...

Tk .330 Tk .297

Who Rules the World?

Tk .320 Tk .288

The Coalition Years...

Tk .320 Tk .288

Development as Freed...

Tk .375 Tk .338

Recasting the Region...

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Agrarian Bengal: Eco...

Tk .330 Tk .297

Secularism and Its C...

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The Bengal Delta: Ec...

Tk .330 Tk .297

The Paradoxical Prim...

Tk .400 Tk .360

The Israel Lobby and...

Tk .440 Tk .396

India and Asian Geop...

Tk .440 Tk .396

The Kaoboys & R&AW:...

Tk .350 Tk .315

Mission R&AW

Tk .540 Tk .486

The Politics of the...

Tk .380 Tk .342

The Bottom Billion:...

Tk .300 Tk .270

The Politics

Tk .460 Tk .414

History's People: Pe...

Tk .350 Tk .315


Tk .350 Tk .315

The Real Anthony Fau...

Tk .580 Tk .522

The Communist Manife...

Tk .280 Tk .252

First Draft: Witness...

Tk .645 Tk .581

21 Lessons for the 2...

Tk .330 Tk .297

Sam Walton: Made In...

Tk .330 Tk .297

Post Corona: From Cr...

Tk .280 Tk .252

The Rohingyas: Insid...

Tk .300 Tk .270

The Narrow Corridor:...

Tk .585 Tk .527

Bangladesh at Fifty:...

Tk .490 Tk .441

The White Man's Burd...

Tk .440 Tk .396

The Idea of Justice

Tk .440 Tk .396

Azadi: Freedom. Fasc...

Tk .270 Tk .243

I Alone Can Fix It:...

Tk .490 Tk .441

The Power of Geograp...

Tk .350 Tk .315

Prisoners of Geograp...

Tk .330 Tk .297

The Costs of Inequal...

Tk .300 Tk .270

Race and Nation in M...

Tk .380 Tk .342

Jinnah: India, Parti...

Tk .530 Tk .477

Portfolios of the Po...

Tk .330 Tk .297

Inequality: What Can...

Tk .380 Tk .342

Land Of Big Numbers

Tk .260 Tk .234

The Discovery of Ind...

Tk .585 Tk .527

Nehru and Bose: Para...

Tk .310 Tk .279

A People's History o...

Tk .595 Tk .536

Partition Voices: Up...

Tk .380 Tk .342

The Shock Doctrine:...

Tk .540 Tk .486

Islam, Secularism, a...

Tk .330 Tk .297

Magnificent Delusion...

Tk .440 Tk .396

The Death of the Wes...

Tk .350 Tk .315

Political Theology:...

Tk .260 Tk .234

The Concept of the P...

Tk .380 Tk .342

War and Change in Wo...

Tk .330 Tk .297

Western Political Th...

Tk .310 Tk .279

10 Judgements That C...

Tk .300 Tk .270

The Daily Laws: 366...

Tk .440 Tk .396

The Chimp Paradox: T...

Tk .350 Tk .315

The Power of Full En...

Tk .330 Tk .297

The Art of Gathering...

Tk .350 Tk .315

The Psychology of Se...

Tk .300 Tk .270

Debt: The First 5,00...

Tk .530 Tk .477

Thinking in Systems

Tk .300 Tk .270

No Excuses!: The Pow...

Tk .350 Tk .315

Deep Work: Rules for...

Tk .290 Tk .261

Anything You Want

Tk .240 Tk .216

The Power of a Posit...

Tk .300 Tk .270

Give and Take: Why H...

Tk .350 Tk .315

The 4-Hour Body: An...

Tk .645 Tk .581

The Power of Positiv...

Tk .280 Tk .252

How to Win Friends a...

Tk .300 Tk .270

The 48 Laws of Power

Tk .499 Tk .449

The High 5 Habit: Ta...

Tk .290 Tk .261

The Secret

Tk .310 Tk .279

Flow: The Psychology...

Tk .380 Tk .342

Influencer: Building...

Tk .330 Tk .297

The Almanack of Nava...

Tk .290 Tk .261

Self Discipline: A H...

Tk .250 Tk .225

The Mountain Is You:...

Tk .250 Tk .225

101 Essays That Will...

Tk .340 Tk .306

The Motive: Why So M...

Tk .240 Tk .216

Why We Buy: The Scie...

Tk .350 Tk .315

Ego Is the Enemy

Tk .270 Tk .243

The Lean Startup: Ho...

Tk .310 Tk .279

The Science of Self...

Tk .260 Tk .234

I Will Teach You To...

Tk .330 Tk .297

How to Be Happy at W...

Tk .310 Tk .279

Getting to Yes: Nego...

Tk .290 Tk .261

You Can Negotiate An...

Tk .300 Tk .270

The Law of Success I...

Tk .480 Tk .432

Think Again: The Pow...

Tk .350 Tk .315

The Life-Changing Ma...

Tk .330 Tk .297


Tk .370 Tk .333

How I Learned to Und...

Tk .290 Tk .261

Attitude Is Everythi...

Tk .260 Tk .234

Why We Sleep: Unlock...

Tk .370 Tk .333

The 3-Minute Rule: S...

Tk .330 Tk .297

The Art of Thinking...

Tk .350 Tk .315

Work Rules!: Insight...

Tk .370 Tk .333

23 Things They Don't...

Tk .340 Tk .306

365 Days With Self-D...

Tk .410 Tk .369

The 4-Hour Workweek:...

Tk .420 Tk .378

How the Mind Works

Tk .560 Tk .504

Getting Things Done:...

Tk .380 Tk .342

Shoe Dog: A Memoir b...

Tk .330 Tk .297

The 10X Rule: The On...

Tk .300 Tk .270

The Psychology of Mo...

Tk .330 Tk .297

How to Talk to Anyon...

Tk .385 Tk .347

12 Rules for Life: A...

Tk .390 Tk .351

Thinking, Fast and S...

Tk .490 Tk .441

The Little Book That...

Tk .260 Tk .234

The Airbnb Story: Ho...

Tk .330 Tk .297

$100M Offers: How To...

Tk .280 Tk .252

The 16-Word Sales Le...

Tk .240 Tk .216

Good Economics for H...

Tk .380 Tk .342

Unshakeable: Your Fi...

Tk .290 Tk .261

The Warren Buffett W...

Tk .360 Tk .324

The Internet of Mone...

Tk .260 Tk .234

How to Make Money in...

Tk .460 Tk .414

Richer, Wiser, Happi...

Tk .330 Tk .297

Amazon Unbound: Jeff...

Tk .460 Tk .414

Conquering the Chaos...

Tk .290 Tk .261

The Little Book of C...

Tk .330 Tk .297

A Random Walk Down W...

Tk .380 Tk .342

The Total Money Make...

Tk .330 Tk .297

Crushing It!: How Gr...

Tk .330 Tk .297

The Automatic Millio...

Tk .330 Tk .297

Business Made Simple...

Tk .290 Tk .261

It's Not About the M...

Tk .330 Tk .297

Broke Millennial: St...

Tk .330 Tk .297

It's Not About the M...

Tk .380 Tk .342

Start with Why: How...

Tk .330 Tk .297

The Little Black Boo...

Tk .180 Tk .162

What's Wrong with Mi...

Tk .330 Tk .297

Narrative Economics:...

Tk .490 Tk .441

A Little History of...

Tk .330 Tk .297

Doughnut Economics:...

Tk .360 Tk .324

Identity Economics:...

Tk .280 Tk .252

The Feeling Economy:...

Tk .280 Tk .252

Shaping the Future o...

Tk .380 Tk .342

Extreme Ownership: H...

Tk .330 Tk .297

A Brief History of D...

Tk .330 Tk .297

The 22 Immutable Law...

Tk .260 Tk .234

Organizing Genius: T...

Tk .330 Tk .297

A Beginner's Guide t...

Tk .280 Tk .252

Warren Buffett and t...

Tk .260 Tk .234

Spinors and Space-Ti...

Tk .489 Tk .440

Spinors and Space-Ti...

Tk .489 Tk .440

The Large, the Small...

Tk .320 Tk .288

The Nature of Space...

Tk .280 Tk .252

Fashion, Faith, and...

Tk .470 Tk .423

Shadows of the Mind:...

Tk .460 Tk .414

Cycles of Time: An E...

Tk .380 Tk .342

Unlock It: The Maste...

Tk .300 Tk .270

Blood and Oil: Moham...

Tk .340 Tk .306

The Baltic: A Histor...

Tk .380 Tk .342

A History of the Bal...

Tk .300 Tk .270

God's Generals: Why...

Tk .320 Tk .288

Bangladesh: A Politi...

Tk .330 Tk .297

The Theft of India:...

Tk .290 Tk .261

The Miracle Morning...

Tk .260 Tk .234

A Concise History of...

Tk .420 Tk .378

The Origins of the S...

Tk .370 Tk .333

The Habsburgs: The H...

Tk .350 Tk .315

Poland: A History

Tk .340 Tk .306

Reality transurfing....

Tk .560 Tk .504

Investing For Dummie...

Tk .430 Tk .387

Evolve Your Brain: T...

Tk .450 Tk .405

Think Like a Monk: T...

Tk .330 Tk .297

The Courage to Be Di...

Tk .330 Tk .297

Your Brain on Porn:...

Tk .450 Tk .405

Making the Modern Wo...

Tk .320 Tk .288

Evidence of the Afte...

Tk .300 Tk .270

Sons and Lovers

Tk .400 Tk .360

The Subtle Art of No...

Tk .300 Tk .270

The 7 Habits of High...

Tk .370 Tk .333

Made to Stick: Why S...

Tk .330 Tk .297

Make Time: How to Fo...

Tk .320 Tk .288

Bad Blood: Secrets a...

Tk .330 Tk .297

The Greatest Salesma...

Tk .270 Tk .243

The Magic of Thinkin...

Tk .290 Tk .261

Everything Is F*cked...

Tk .330 Tk .297

The Power of Now: A...

Tk .290 Tk .261

Never Eat Alone, Exp...

Tk .370 Tk .333

Who Moved My Cheese?...

Tk .210 Tk .189

The Richest Man in B...

Tk .280 Tk .252


Tk .400 Tk .360

Anne Frank: The Diar...

Tk .330 Tk .297

Women Who Run With t...

Tk .460 Tk .414

The Bro Code

Tk .300 Tk .270

Rich Dad Poor Dad: W...

Tk .290 Tk .261

The 5 Second Rule: T...

Tk .330 Tk .297

The 80/20 Principle:...

Tk .350 Tk .315

Atomic Habits: An Ea...

Tk .330 Tk .297

The Courage to Be Di...

Tk .360 Tk .324

Outwitting the Devil

Tk .300 Tk .270

Love, Nina: A Nanny...

Tk .350 Tk .315

Men Are from Mars, W...

Tk .330 Tk .297

The Wisdom Of Financ...

Tk .290 Tk .261

Sapiens: A Brief His...

Tk .440 Tk .396

Cosmology: A Very Sh...

Tk .280 Tk .252

Why Does He Do That?...

Tk .400 Tk .360

The Truths We Hold:...

Tk .360 Tk .324

How To Raise Success...

Tk .360 Tk .324

How to Talk so Littl...

Tk .400 Tk .360

Healthy Sleep Habits...

Tk .520 Tk .468

The Yes Brain: How t...

Tk .290 Tk .261

The Whole-Brain Chil...

Tk .290 Tk .261

Born a Crime: Storie...

Tk .310 Tk .279

Onward: How Starbuck...

Tk .380 Tk .342

The Ride of a Lifeti...

Tk .300 Tk .270

Good to Great: Why S...

Tk .340 Tk .306

Killing Hitler: The...

Tk .400 Tk .360

A History of the Ott...

Tk .550 Tk .495

Ancient Rome: The Ri...

Tk .350 Tk .315

God's Generals: Why...

Tk .280 Tk .252

A Brief History of I...

Tk .370 Tk .333

Ali Ibn Abi Talib Vo...

Tk .410 Tk .369

Ali ibn Abi Talib

Tk .500 Tk .450

Iron Kingdom: The Ri...

Tk .610 Tk .549

A Concise History of...

Tk .360 Tk .324

A Concise History of...

Tk .410 Tk .369

A Concise History of...

Tk .360 Tk .324

Hungary: A Short His...

Tk .330 Tk .297

The Great Cauldron:...

Tk .610 Tk .549

A Concise History of...

Tk .390 Tk .351

Letters from an Astr...

Tk .280 Tk .252

The Power of Habit:...

Tk .380 Tk .342

How to Own Your Own...

Tk .330 Tk .297

Brain Rules: 12 Prin...

Tk .310 Tk .279

Building a StoryBran...

Tk .280 Tk .252

The Science of Selli...

Tk .310 Tk .279

The Nolan Variations...

Tk .380 Tk .342

Wrecking Ball (Diary...

Tk .290 Tk .261

Island People: The C...

Tk .430 Tk .387

Sword of Persia: Nad...

Tk .390 Tk .351

Turn the Ship Around...

Tk .300 Tk .270

The Silence of the G...

Tk .320 Tk .288

Never Split the Diff...

Tk .310 Tk .279

The Laws of Simplici...

Tk .240 Tk .216

Contagious: Why Thin...

Tk .280 Tk .252

How to Win Friends a...

Tk .300 Tk .270

The Miracle of Mindf...

Tk .240 Tk .216

Law of Attraction: T...

Tk .300 Tk .270

Women Who Run With t...

Tk .500 Tk .450

The Power of Your Su...

Tk .280 Tk .255

The Things You Can S...

Tk .400 Tk .360

Twilight of Democrac...

Tk .260 Tk .234

Factfulness: Ten Rea...

Tk .330 Tk .297

Everything Happens f...

Tk .250 Tk .225

Taking the Work Out...

Tk .300 Tk .270

The Emperor's New Mi...

Tk .690 Tk .621

The Road to Reality:...

Tk .880 Tk .792

Mirrors: Stories of...

Tk .560 Tk .504

The Laws of Human Na...

Tk .590 Tk .531

The Plant Paradox: T...

Tk .390 Tk .351

Driving Innovation f...

Tk .330 Tk .297

King Leopold's Ghost...

Tk .450 Tk .405

What Got You Here Wo...

Tk .300 Tk .270

The Art of Public Sp...

Tk .430 Tk .387

Talking to Strangers...

Tk .330 Tk .297

Orbiting the Giant H...

Tk .300 Tk .270

Think and Grow Rich

Tk .350 Tk .315

The ONE Thing: The S...

Tk .320 Tk .288

To a Mountain in Tib...

Tk .310 Tk .279


Tk .320 Tk .288

Coming into the Coun...

Tk .360 Tk .324

Presidential Lottery...

Tk .280 Tk .252

Chasing the Sea: Los...

Tk .380 Tk .342

The Age of Empire: 1...

Tk .360 Tk .324

Jungle of Stone: The...

Tk .430 Tk .387

Wild Coast

Tk .330 Tk .297

Black Dragon River:...

Tk .330 Tk .297

The Worst Journey in...

Tk .390 Tk .351

Life and Death in th...

Tk .400 Tk .364

Great Plains

Tk .320 Tk .288

Ikigai: The Japanese...

Tk .260 Tk .234

Educated: A Memoir

Tk .389 Tk .350

Principles: Life and...

Tk .430 Tk .387

Neuro Design: Neurom...

Tk .299 Tk .269

The Colossus of Maro...

Tk .320 Tk .291

Midnight in Chernoby...

Tk .460 Tk .414

Six Easy Pieces: Ess...

Tk .290 Tk .261

Zero to One: Notes o...

Tk .320 Tk .288

Titan: The Life of J...

Tk .620 Tk .558

The House of Morgan:...

Tk .810 Tk .737

Influence: The Psych...

Tk .340 Tk .306

Why Nations Fail: Th...

Tk .510 Tk .459

Napoleon: A Life

Tk .920 Tk .828

My Inventions: The A...

Tk .310 Tk .279

The Innovator's Dile...

Tk .410 Tk .369

The Compound Effect...

Tk .290 Tk .261

Man's Search for Mea...

Tk .270 Tk .243

"Surely You're Jokin...

Tk .420 Tk .378

Elon Musk: Tesla, Sp...

Tk .390 Tk .351

Tracks: One Woman's...

Tk .360 Tk .324

The Lost City of Z:...

Tk .420 Tk .378

The Bridge at Andau...

Tk .290 Tk .261

Answered Prayers

Tk .290 Tk .261

The Log from the Sea...

Tk .370 Tk .333

Black Dragon River:...

Tk .400 Tk .360

The Fires of Spring:...

Tk .460 Tk .414

Coasting: A Private...

Tk .350 Tk .315

Vagabonding: An Unco...

Tk .290 Tk .261

Cross Country: Fifte...

Tk .290 Tk .261

A Russian Journal

Tk .330 Tk .297

The Bird Man and the...

Tk .300 Tk .276

A Short Walk in the...

Tk .350 Tk .315

Periodic Table Of Fe...

Tk .290 Tk .264

The Secret History o...

Tk .550 Tk .495


Tk .370 Tk .333

The Moon Is Down

Tk .250 Tk .225

Travels with Charley...

Tk .320 Tk .288

Bitter Lemons of Cyp...

Tk .330 Tk .297

Into the Heart of Bo...

Tk .300 Tk .270

The Travels of Ibn B...

Tk .310 Tk .282