The Bridges at Toko-Ri: A Novel
Tk 290.00 $269.70
In one of his beloved early bestsellers, Pulitzer Prize–winning author James A. Michener crafts a tale of the American men who fought the Korean War, detailing their exploits in the air as well as their lives on the ground. Young and innocent, they arrive in a place they have barely ever heard of, on a ship massive enough to carry planes and helicopters. Trained as professionals, they prepare for the rituals of war that countless men before them have endured and face the same fears. They are American fighter pilots. Together they face an enemy they do not understand, knowing their only hope for survival is to win.

Tk 320.00 $288.00
In his global bestseller, Legacy, James Kerr goes deep into the heart of the world's most successful team, the New Zealand All Blacks, to help understand what it takes to bounce back from adversity and still reach the top.
It is a book about leading a team or an organisation - but, more importantly, about leading a life.
The kind of life that you want to lead.
In today's volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environment, personal leadership has never been more relevant and Legacy goes to the heart of how great leaders - and we are all leaders - 'reboot' and reframe their future.
It is a truly life-defining read that addresses the big questions - values, vision, mindset and purpose - that, when answered, build the foundation for resilience, excellence and sustained success.
This book will change your life.
Champions do extra. They sweep the sheds, follow the spearhead, and keep a blue head.
They are good ancestors and plant trees they'll never see.