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To a Mountain in Tibet

Author : Colin Thubron
Tk 279.00 Tk 310.00

Mount Kailas is the most sacred of the world's mountains - holy to one fifth of humanity. Isolated beyond the central Himalayas, its summit has never been scaled, but for ce

nturies the mountain has been ritually circled by Hindu and Buddhist pilgrims.

Colin Thubron joins these pilgrims, after an arduous trek from Nepal, through the high passes of Tibet, to the magical lakes beneath the slopes of Kailas itself. He talks to secluded villagers and to monks in their decaying monasteries; he tells the stories of exiles and of eccentric explorers from the West.

Yet he is also walking on a pilgrimage of his own. Having recently witnessed the death of the last of his family, his trek around the great mountain awakes an inner landscape of love and grief, restoring precious fragments of his own past.

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Stock : 499

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Vintage Digital; 1st edition (8 April 2011)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Page ‏ : ‎ ±260

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