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The Novel

Author : James Michener
Tk 378.00 Tk 420.00

In this riveting, ambitious novel from James A. Michener, the renowned chronicler of epic history turns his extraordinary imagination to a world he knew better than anyone: the world of books. Lukas Yoder, a novelist who has enjoyed a long, successful career, has finished what he bel

ieves to be his final work. Then a tragedy strikes in his community, and he becomes obsessed with writing about it. Meanwhile, Yoder’s editor fights to preserve her integrity—and her author—as her firm becomes the target of a corporate takeover; a local critic who teaches literature struggles with his ambitions and with his feelings about Yoder’s success; and a devoted reader holds the key to solving the mystery that haunts Yoder’s hometown.

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Stock : 499

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Fawcett (July 20, 1992)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Page ‏ : ‎ ±390
  • Best Sellers Rank: #3,277,155

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